Hurricane Helene |
Disaster Assistance and Resources
Amidst the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Greenville Federal Credit Union is here to help.
Personal Loan
Need funds to cover insurance deductibles, repair work, or other emergency expenses? A personal loan with a fixed payment can help. Apply online or visit a local branch to discuss your options.
Existing Loan Skip-A-Pay and Deferment Options
Unsure of how to pay an existing loan or credit card? Send us a message in online banking, call us at 800.336.6309, or stop into a branch to discuss temporary payment assistance.
Auto Loans
Lose a vehicle due to storm damages or flooding? Apply online or visit a local branch to discuss your options.
Insurance Claims
If you are a member and your home sustained damages, start by calling your insurance company to begin your claim. Until your claim is started and you have been provided supporting documentation, we are unable to take any action. If you have completed this step and have electronic documentation of your claim, please send or forward your documentation to mortgages@greenvillefcu.com.
Government Assistance
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Assistance
FEMA assistance is available for homeowners and renters alike that had damages or loss caused by Hurricane Helene. For more information and see if you meet application qualifications, visit the FEMA website. Learn more here (external link): https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4829
Gov. Henry McMaster Announces Three Team South Carolina County Days for the Upstate
State and federal officials and representatives from nonprofits will hold Team South Carolina County Days in Clemson on Wednesday, October 9, Spartanburg on Thursday, October 10, and Greenville on Friday, October 11. Team South Carolina County Days provide local residents affected by Hurricane Helene with a one-stop opportunity to learn about relief resources available to them. Learn more here (external link): https://governor.sc.gov/news/2024-10/gov-henry-mcmaster-announces-three-team-south-carolina-county-days-upstate
Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)
The Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) gives food assistance to low-income households with food loss or damage caused by a natural disaster. If you are a current SNAP recipient and you lost food as a result of Hurricane Helene and/or power outage lasting more than four (4) hours, you can apply for a replacement of your SNAP benefits in person or by emailing the required information to your local county DSS office. Learn more here (external link): https://dss.sc.gov/assistance-programs/snap/
While we see many neighbors helping neighbors in Greenville, we are also seeing a spike in scams and fraud. Before signing anything to accept aid or hire contractors to fix damages, read through our article on Disaster Scams and Fraud.