Youth Membership
Greenville Federal Credit Union’s mission has always been to provide our members with opportunities to prosper, including our youth. Helping kids learn how to properly manage their money is a critical skill that will benefit them the rest of their lives.
Our Youth Membership Program is designed to help educate our young members about managing money within a financial institution, and to motivate them to save and spend their money wisely. Starting with a savings account, and then later with a checking account, our young members can practice saving and spending their own money, and making good financial decisions.
Once a Youth Member “graduates” or reaches the age of 18, we help guide young adults through their first experiences with budgeting, borrowing, and even starting a business.
Here’s how to get your kids (or grandkids) started:
Youth Membership
Youth Membership Requirements
- Join with an adult guardian. Adult membership information.
- Youth membership applications can be started at any branch location or online.
- Tip: Be sure to have the youth's social security card or birth certificate when ready to apply.
- Open a Youth Share Savings Account with a $5 deposit (minimum)
Youth Membership Benefits
- Receive a Youth Membership Welcome Gift
- Enjoy all eligible membership perks such as access to discount entertainment tickets
- Cast your vote at our Annual Membership Meeting