Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources, Inc. (SHARE) announced Greenville Federal Credit Union as the recipient of its 2024 SC State Head Start Association Corporate Partner of the Year Award in November 2024.
The credit union was awarded this recognition for its year-long commitment to developing and delivering a variety of flexible financial literacy programs to support the family outcome goals of SHARE’s Parent Community Engagement Framework.
Throughout the year, the credit union conducted free hybrid financial literacy workshops for Head Start parents and employees, which allowed flexibility for families to attend in person or remotely. To encourage attendance, engagement, and practical application of lessons, incentives were distributed to participants at each monthly workshop.
“This partnership was designed to provide training on budgeting basics, banking basics, credit scores and loans, healthy debt, homebuying basics, and saving for the future. Additional topics were chosen based on parent feedback and need,” said Patrice Hawthorne, SHARE Family Partnership Facilitator. “By collaborating with the credit union, SHARE Head Start strengthened our ability to help families move toward their economic mobility goals and achieve better outcomes for children and families.”
“We are grateful to work with such a strong partner in our efforts to foster financial wellness for individuals, families, and the neighborhoods we serve across Greenville County,” said Sarah Bell, credit union Director of Community Engagement.
In addition to financial literacy workshops, the credit union donated $5,000 to Roper Mountain Science Center to bring its popular program, “Science on Wheels” to all Greenville County Head Start locations during the spring. Ten four-year-old classes enjoyed the classroom-based program, “Habitat Hunters – Are You My Home?”, where students met three live animals from the science center’s collection and learned what each animal needs to survive.
“Greenville Federal Credit Union staff are passionate about serving all aspects of the community and supporting Head Start programming to fulfill the family outcome goals of the Parent, Family, and Community Engagement Framework,” continued Hawthorne.
The credit union will continue its partnership with SHARE in 2025 by providing additional opportunities for the Parent Community Engagement Framework.