Greenville County Schools and Greenville Federal Credit Union announced the recipients of the Greenville County Schools Employee of the Year Awards at the Salute to Education banquet in May.
Winners were selected in six categories: School Support, District Support, Operations, Assistant School Administrator, School Administrator, and District Professional. Each award winner received $500 cash and a special award commissioned by Greenville Federal Credit Union. Their school or department also received $500 cash so all employees can share in the honor.

(Pictured L to R: Frank Marcel, Traci Hogan, Greenville Federal Credit Union President Paul Hughes, Sherita Floyd, Superintendent Burke Royster, Cindy Hood, Todd Stafford, Dr. Carolyn Styles.)
School Support Employee of the Year
Sherita Floyd, Special Education Aide at Enoree Career Center
While her main job is to provide instructional support through tutoring, one-on-one study sessions, and test accommodation provisions, Mrs. Floyd also runs the school store, oversees student interns, supervises school-wide breaks, and leads the Sunshine Committee. She takes time to know every students’ families, interests, reputations, grades, discipline records, and future plans. She also works an afterschool and weekend job at a local boys’ home and is finishing her bachelor’s degree so she can fulfill a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher.
District Support Employee of the Year
Cindy Hood, Secretary, Operations Department
Mrs. Hood has an amazing ability to communicate with parents, administrators, and principals. One of her responsibilities is to coordinate the leasing of school buildings to outside entities, which requires attention to detail and ensuring that the conditions of specific agreements are followed. During inclement weather, Mrs. Hood is up at the crack of dawn to give the ICE team weather information for her area of the county. In the category of “other duties as assigned,” she coordinates the removal of hazardous waste from science labs across the district. According to her supervisor, Dicky McCuen, “It gives me great peace of mind knowing the care she takes with the things I am responsible for.”
Operations Employee of the Year
Frank Marcell, Plant Engineer, Welcome Elementary School
Mr. Marcell is a true supporter of teachers, dropping what he is doing to help teachers move into their classrooms and make sure new employees are ready and welcomed. He recently provided support and a baby shower for a colleague. He is always ready to help a parent having car trouble, and checks on each classroom every morning to ensure the environment is clean and conducive to learning. In the words of a third grader, “He fixed the cause of a high-pitched sound in my classroom and that is why he should get the award of best custodian.”
Assistant School Administrator of the Year
Todd Stafford, Assistant Principal, Greer High School
Mr. Stafford has great integrity and exhibits all of the characteristics of a servant leader. He makes decisions in the best interest of students, and serves as a liaison between Greer High and the transportation department. He communicates with bus drivers, supervisors, and school staff to provide support for all students. Mr. Stafford leads the Freshman Academy, celebrating student success with Student of the Month Lunches and Quarterly Assembly Programs. He provides excellent instructional leadership, giving feedback to teachers through coaching conversations and professional development sessions.
School Administrator of the Year
Dr. Carolyn Styles, Principal, Skyland Elementary School
Dr. Styles’ special gift is understanding the “heart” of the community and how it contributes to the big picture of developing positive relationships where students and teachers bond. The common goal of student achievement is at the forefront when she is planning, delivering, and reflecting on effective instructional practices. Dr. Styles’ leadership qualities are conveyed through positive communication, constructive feedback, and well-developed relationships with teachers, students, and community members. Her positivity, with a sense of urgency to educate youth while understanding the needs of the families she serves, is her strongest asset.
District Professional Employee of the Year
Traci Hogan, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education
Mrs. Hogan consistently and
tirelessly advocates for the provision of quality services and innovative
programs to meet the needs of students with disabilities in Greenville County
and across the state. She recently advocated for students by helping get the
Employability Credential passed for those who are unable to attain a standard
diploma. She provides motivating professional development for educators, and
recognizes the need for ongoing collaboration between general education and
special education staff. Mrs. Hogan worked to expand services so more special
education students can be served at their home-based schools and to implement
consistent specialized instruction at all grade levels.